With 2024 approaching, now's your chance to find out what I thought of 2020. Read here and stop complaining.
Thanks for sharing! Quite a chuckle
Ack! I misunderstood. I thought you were “forwarding” something you had read in the past. It sure read like you wrote it. My bad. Three vaccines and three bouts of the virus have clouded my brain. Sorry!
This was so hilarious. Although you didn’t write it, it is very “Rafi.” Thank you for sharing. Made my day.
I wrote it. What gave you the impression that I didn't? Of course I wrote it.
Thanks for sharing! Quite a chuckle
Ack! I misunderstood. I thought you were “forwarding” something you had read in the past. It sure read like you wrote it. My bad. Three vaccines and three bouts of the virus have clouded my brain. Sorry!
This was so hilarious. Although you didn’t write it, it is very “Rafi.” Thank you for sharing. Made my day.
I wrote it. What gave you the impression that I didn't? Of course I wrote it.