Trump, RFK, Elon, Ron Paul – Grab The #$%*ing Reins and Start BURNING THE DEEP STATE
He's getting hurt. Now he's worried. You CUT him. You HURT him. You see? You SEE? He's NOT a machine. He's a MAN. You want it more than he does. NO pain.
II Kings 23:19
Josiah also abolished all the cult places that the kings of Israel had built in the towns of Samaria, vexing God. He slew on the altars all the priests of the shrines who were there, and he burned human bones on them. Then he returned to Jerusalem. The king commanded all the people, “Offer the passover sacrifice to the ETERNAL your God as prescribed in this scroll of the covenant.” Josiah also did away with the necromancers and the mediums, the oracle idols and the fetishes—all the detestable things that were to be seen in the land of Judah and Jerusalem. Thus he fulfilled the terms of the Teaching recorded in the scroll that the priest Hilkiah had found in the House of GOD. There was no king like him before who turned back to GOD with all his heart and soul and might, in full accord with the Teaching of Moses; nor did any like him arise after him. However, GOD did not turn away from the awesome wrath that had blazed up against Judah because of all the things Manasseh did to provoke God’s anger.
Take a day to celebrate Trump's victory. If anything, it means the Deep State is not 100% all powerful, and that is something to celebrate. Have a drink, roll a joint or whatever you have to do. Be happy. And then wake up tomorrow realizing that there is no escape from the End Game, nor does Trump understand that it is coming. Ron Paul does (who may have a role yet), but Trump does not.
But thank God we have a chance at going through the turmoil with at least a few decent people in power, and with what remains of freedom of speech preserved. I'm pointing to RFK specifically, who I know is problematic. But if he trashes the pharma-industrial complex enough before the End, as King Josiah burned down the worst of the child-sacrificing cult worship in the final days of the First Commonwealth before its destruction, then the best of the West will have been saved for rebirth later. What now stands will still crumble, but at least now, it has a much stronger chance of being reborn on surer footing.
It is chiefly the stackers who will conduct and direct the rebuilding of society. Not because we have the know-how or the talent or the resources to do the actual dirty work itself. We are just a tiny fraction of society, but money is still the basis of the division of labor. In order to fund rebuilding you need liquidity, and money is by definition the most liquid commodity. It sounds too simple sometimes, but then again, we really have to stop complicating things or we'll drive ourselves insane.
You may say, "Don’t central banks have most of the capital (gold)? By weight, yes. They do have a big chunk, for sure. Aren't we going up against them? My answer is no. They are no contest for us. They are just a bunch of Keynesian idiots. As Keynesians, they haven't the first clue as to what civilization even is. They will spend most of their gold on "stabilizing" their "currencies" they worship, as money is not their priority, but rather the ability to inflate.
Their currencies will collapse as they sell their gold, and when that doesn't work they will be broke and whoever they sell their real money to will have the rest, which will be us and our allies at whatever level of understanding they may be at. You don’t need a lot. You just need instinct really, and the will to resist idiotic get-rich-quick schemes.
And so today I will pass on direct market commentary and just be grateful. The Deep State is not all powerful. And if it's not all-powerful, it can and it WILL lose. I'm tired of the people on our side constantly whining about how all-powerful the other side is and there's nothing we can do about it. Wrong. We CAN win, and we will.
He's getting hurt. Now he's worried. You CUT him. You HURT him. You see? You SEE? He's NOT a machine. He's a MAN. You want it more than he does. NO pain.
There are only two men in the Bible described as red (or orange). Esau, and David. That's it. Nobody else.
Gen. 25:23
“Two nations are in your womb,
Two separate peoples shall issue from your body;
One people (Esau) shall be mightier than the other (Jacob),
And the older (Esau) shall serve the younger (Jacob).”When her time to give birth was at hand, there were twins in her womb.
The first one emerged red, a ball of hair all over; so they named him Esau (finished, complete)."
Sam I 16:12
When the Palestinian caught sight of David, he scorned him, for he was just a boy, red-haired and handsome.
I am not an American. I left, for good, and I am not going back. But I still love America, and that will not change. Esau and I have the same parents. He wields the sword, and that is his blessing and curse, and he hates me for it, but he still has good in him. Like Darth Vader who has fallen, he will wake up in the end, when it's all about to end and when there's no denying the catastrophe that he has caused in his supreme power over the world since 1945, when his brother Jacob was nearly annihilated.
Jacob is corrupted just the same. Israel is an embarrassment and it makes me sick. Though we are back home, it is in name only and we are lost. We have lost our way and we've been reduced to beggars of Esau, on our own volition, lap dogs of the Red (Orange) Man with the Hair. America will go bankrupt, and we will be on our own, ultimately. But with God's help Trump's team, AKA the "Red" Team, will take the Deep State down in the End Game.
As Bret Weinstein (another descendant of Jacob advising his red-haired brother) put it, Trump's first team was built to outwit a nonlevel playing field, but not to effectively govern anything competently. Trump's first term was a disaster. This team he has now is much better, much more united with the best leaders the country can muster at this point late in its life, and it is much more focused and aware of the evil it faces.
The dollar will not be saved, as Josiah could not save Judah. The End Game will not be stopped. Nobody has the ability to do that at this point. The Republic is going to fall, but there is still time to clean up the whore house before it burns down, so it burns cleanly and quickly and mercifully, and with as little collateral damage as possible.
If RFK can neuter the FDA, if Ron Paul joins in as Elon Musk suggested and clears out the brush, if Trump can sit down with Putin and end this ridiculous war in Ukraine, then America has a chance to regain its sanity before seriously hard times erupt in its face.
You'll say that the same thing will happen here in Israel, and I agree. But we are very old, and we've survived many exiles. We've been through worse. We have been through many End Games, all of which we caused for ourselves and I do not deny that. We'll get through this one as well. We know the drill. I hope I get through it, but I'd rather get through it over here than other there.
America has not been through an End Game yet, and so it needs to muster the best leaders it has in order to weather it and get through to the other side. With America repudiating the insane child-mutilating Blue Team and the warmongers, it has a decent shot at accomplishing just this.
May God bless the United States of America. They are not dead yet.
"Now get up, you son of a bitch!"
Time is very short.
Thanks Rafi!
We both know there are tough times ahead, but today in the US for the sane, the faithful and those with common sense; it is indeed a day of rejoicing. For we have been spared 4 years of a very annoying cackle and all the peril that would come with it. Nevertheless, we students of the markets know there is an End Game coming and while we hope for a respite from constant insanity and irritation, today we rest, rejoice and gather strength and faith for the End Game challenges that are prophesied to come.
This was your best. I feel your heart. Bless you for this.