Money Is Not an Invention of The State. The State Is an Invention of Money.
On Alchemy, Alchenomics, and Monetary Bullshit
Phrenology, astrology, and alchemy were all highly respected sciences in their day. Their provisions were intricate, their principles complex and exacting, and to become a practitioner of one of these sciences required discipline, dedication, and talent. Being an eminent phrenologist, astrologist, or alchemist also carried with it a good amount of prestige.
There is only one problem with these "sciences": They're all bullshit.
Intelligence has nothing to do with the shape of your skull. Human action is not determined by the shapes of constellations. One cannot initiate the nuclear reaction of transmogrifying lead into gold by mixing chemicals in a test tube with a spoon for God’s sake.
Because these sciences are all bullshit, they never succeeded in accurately predicting anything. And still, none of that ever really mattered for The Science™ itself and its priestly caste practitioners. Phrenology, astrology, and alchemy all mesmerized people into awe thanks to all the accoutrements associated with the craft. (I hear a lot of people are suddenly interested in the Talmud these days. If you're one of those people, the accoutrements of idolatry is referred to in the Talmud as "abizraihu". For those who know the aleph-bet, אביזרייהו. Just FYI.)
Alchenomics and Alchemy
And so it is today with what I would call "alchenomics". Alchenomics is to economics as alchemy is to chemistry. Just as alchemy rests on bullshit foundations of what chemistry is and proceeds to hypnotize us with smoke and splatter with the goal of turning lead into gold, alchenomics rests on bullshit foundations of what economics is and proceeds to distract us with alchenometric equations with the goal of convincing us that lead is more valuable than gold because gold is a useless "barbarous relic". And yet, neither alchemy nor alchenomics can accurately predict anything at all.
And yet, the bullshit that is alchenomics remains a highly respected The Science™. So respected, in fact, that the entire planet puts the management of its currency supply under the control of small groups of alchenomists called "central bankers". These white-coated clergymen of The Science™ get the exclusive opportunity to experiment with our lives through altering the currency supply to their benefit. They call this "monetary policy" and it basically consists of deciding how fast to inflate everyone's income and savings.
Now here's the thing. Phrenology and astrology are mostly benign, even amusing at times, like when reading the daily horoscope about virgos with a skull convexity of 60 degrees or more being advised to arrange a spontenous encounter with a striped lemur drinking bubble tea under a canopy of frozen vegetables while fondling a stick of butter if they want to meet their soul-mate today. Alchemy, for its part, may actually be dangerous, but only for the alchemist physically mixing arsenic and mercury amalgams in his garage while he tastes his latest lead and sulfuric acid elixir for hints of gold aftertaste.
But alchenomics is much, much worse than that sort of benign bullshit. Alchenomics threatens the entire planet. It is the most destructive The Science™ ever devised by man. It messes with the lifeblood of our economic lives, the currency supply, which impoverishes us to the benefit of the ruling class while tearing at the very fabric of society that keeps us from killing one another in our never-ending search for sustenance.
What holds society together in the most basic sense is our collective experience that trading with one another for what we need works a lot better than brute force every man for himself. Murder may work in the very short term for getting what we need and want, but it opens us up to being murdered ourselves, so it isn't a very effective long term solution to satisfying our needs.
The Bullshit Foundation of Alchenomics, That Money is an Invention of the State
Now we all know that phrenology, astrology, and alchemy all rest on foundations of fermenting bullshit. But on which specific and pungent foundation does alchenomics rest? Namely, on the assumption that money is an invention of the State. As the myth goes, before there was a State to organize and systematize trade, only chaotic barter existed. If you needed a chicken and wanted a pickle, to borrow a hypothetical popularized by Austrian School economist Dr. Walter Block, you'd have to find someone who had a pickle and wanted a chicken. Otherwise, you're chicken-bleep out of luck.
The myth continues that, noticing this chaotic state of affairs and the fact that difficulty of trade was keeping people impoverished, the benevolent institution of The State was suddenly founded by altruistic geniuses with pulsating cerebra. The State, then, in its infinite wisdom invented something called "money," which people suddenly and inexplicably "agreed upon" would somehow magically take on a value declared by its inventor The State to be miraculously stable.
And there you have it, babies come from storks, a useful parenting myth that shields children from truths they are not ready to internalize, truths that could be dangerous to them in their immature state. (Unless, of course, they live in the year 2024 when putting on perverted drag shows directed at young children is totally normal and even praised and society isn't at all destroying itself why would anyone think that etc.)
Using this asinine mythology about money, the State justifies its monopoly on the money supply to inflate at will, siphon off resources to itself, and impoverish the entire planet to utter starvation to the point where trade no longer works and so the masses resort to brute force in order to get what they need and want.
Regardless of how stupid this myth is, most people actually believe it. The alchenomists dress it up in fancy language just like the phrenologists and astrologists, and successfully make the inane and evil sound respectable. But get past the hypnotic language, and we can easily see that this myth makes absolutely no sense.
You Need Money to Run a State, Therefore Money Predates the State
First of all, you need money to form and run a State. The people who staff the State must be paid, after all. Otherwise, they cannot eat, and cannot go about doing their Statish things while starving to death. With what, prithee, are they to be paid if money did not predate the State?
If the Value of Money is Declared by the State, Hyperinflation Can Never Happen
Second, if money is an invention of the State and has an agreed-upon value instituted by that same institution upon its creation, why does state-issued money keep dying and falling to a value of zero over and over again in successive hyperinflations throughout history? Taken further, why do prices change at all? Why does currency death happen to every single State-issued money ever? If the State can magically get people to agree on the value of its money, how does this "agreement" suddenly come crashing down all the time?
To answer this question, let us trace the evolution of trade from the beginning.
What Money Is, For Realsies
As humans evolved, some of them had this ingenious idea to cooperate and trade, rather than kill one another. This group was doing rather well and had more stuff, and more people, given they refrained from murder and such. So it was working out rather well, and trading groups got bigger as more people caught on to the benefits of trade over murder.
People began noticing that some trades were easier to make than others. Strange. Particularly, trades involving commodities that were easily divisible and didn't go bad were much easier to complete than highly specialized double-coincident chicken/pickle type trades. So what happened was the easier trades started happening much more often than the difficult trades, and people began noticing further that certain commodities kept showing up over and over in the easier trades. Eventually, people started to stockpile these certain commodities in order to execute more trades, and these certain commodities showing up in most trades became known as "money" or "monies".
These "monies" began to circulate like lubricant through the economy to maximize trades of things for other things. As the economy grew, the brains of these traders began to grow in a social direction, given they were starving a lot less. Their heads got bigger, they became more civilized, and human society was born.
The Evolution of Society vs The Evolution of Theft
During this time of social development, there existed other groups people who were still quite enthusiastic about murder to get what they wanted, either because their brains had not evolved in the same way as their more civilized trading peers, or because these people simply didn't have much to trade with, having no useful skills with which to produce anything anybody actually wanted. But they were still pretty good at killing and just taking stuff. These people, called thieves, just started, like, taking stuff and running off with it, pissing people off in society. Some of the thieves got killed by these angry people.
Thieves soon began to realize that stealing was pretty risky, because the person you stole from might find you and punch you or stab you, and you could get dead. So, in order to minimize their chances of dying after every theft, the thieves figured out that you can make your thefts much more efficient if you stole the more liquid commodities that everyone used in trade rather than the commodities that you needed in the moment at any particular time. Thereby, you could minimize your risky acts of theft and maximize the utility of each theft.
For example, if you were a thief and you needed a shovel to bury your pet squirrel, you could look for the guy that has a shovel to steal, which might take some time to find, and it could be that the guy has locked his shovel away somewhere, making it very difficult to steal. Even if you managed to find the shovel guy, he could hit you over the head with it before you were able to steal it, and you'd be dead.
On the other hand, there are these commodities that keep showing up in most transactions, so if the thieves steal those things, they can then enter the trading system stealthily with those commodities without having actually produced anything to earn them in trade. And so the thieves' brains evolved in an antisocial direction, learning to steal the commodities that were most commonly used in trading. Theft was still risky, but less so.
Eventually, these thieves got a lot smarter, further evolving in their antisocial direction, at some point deciding to band together and form a gang to figure out how to steal without anyone even noticing that they were stealing at all. That way, they could keep stealing forever and they'd never have to work again. Their idea was to convince people to store the trading commodities with them, and the gang would give the people certificates for these commodities, convincing them that they could get their money commodities back by presenting the certificates at any time. That way, they people would never have to worry about the commodities getting lost or stolen or degraded through trade.
Having convinced the traders that they were actually performing a service of storing valuable commodities, the thieves starting just, like, inventing certificates that looked exactly like the ones for the commodities, but they were just "extras". They started to use these extras to trade for real stuff, and kept this real stuff for themselves. It was great! Everyone they traded with thought they were just trading normally, and they, the thieves got all this stuff for nothing at all!
The First Bank Run
Eventually, though, with more receipts circulating than the commodities they represented, exchange rates went up for the receipts and went down for the actual commodities, so some people wanted their commodities back in exchange for the receipts in order to get the better prices in trade. There weren't enough though, and when rumors started spreading that there weren't enough, everyone started trying to hand in their receipts for the commodities at the same time.
The First "Bailout"
The thieves, realizing this was happening, suddenly aimed all the weapons they bought with the fake receipts, at the people trying to get their money back and threatened to kill them. The thieves told them that the money commodities now belonged to them, and the people could only use the receipts, which were the "real money" anyway, invented by The State, which was themselves, and anyone who used the money commodities directly would be shot and buried with their pet squirrel. The thieves also said that they would manage the supply of receipts so that prices wouldn't go up too fast like they just did, so relax. They've got it all under control. They now called themselves the "Central Bank" and gave the idea they had about managing the quantity of receipts, a name, calling it "monetary policy".
The Birth of Alchenomics
To calm people down about this whole scam, they hired other people called "intellectuals", a group idea thieves basically, who made up a bunch of bullshit about what the thieves were doing. Their job was to confuse the hell out of everyone. They were excellent at using big words to convince society that stealing in this way was not only fine, but that it was necessary for trade to continue smoothly and for society to survive at all. They added equations into the mix to make it look like they were actual scientists, even though the equations never actually predicted anything accurately.
Be that as it may, without this kind of stealing, they insisted, trade would break down and everyone would starve to death. Everyone believed them because these hired idea thieves wrote all kinds of bullshit about how great stealing was for everyone, and they called this profession alchenomics.
And so, with all the actual money in their storehouses and the ability to create ever more receipts in order to buy anything they wanted all for themselves, the coalition of thieves became "The State" and convinced everyone through their cadre of alchenomists that they were essential to the smooth running of society, when actually they were the ones destroying it.
And that, my friends, is how the State was born. The State was born out of money. Money was not born out of the State.
In order to reverse this process and return to a balanced society not run by a gang of thieves, we need to reject their money receipts and take our real money back.
Buy Gold and Silver
This post is brought to you by Cole Metals Group. If you want real money, go there and contact them. Anyway…
Keep stacking. Don't turn back. Give them back their crap theft receipts and take your money back. Keep chipping away at the base of the inverted pyramid and help us bring about the End Game before they destroy the entire planet. Beseech God's help in this and He will protect us when we finally, inevitably succeed and the pyramid finally falls over.
Samsung announced new solid state batteries requiring silver that have a range of 600 miles and can be charged 0-80% in 9 minutes. If this takes off, can anyone spell 'Squeeze'?